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loggit2 is an easy-to-use ndJSON logging library for R, with zero external dependencies.

Please see below for some quick examples, and read the vignettes for more.

Why use loggit2?

loggit2 takes a minimalistic but powerful approach to logging in R:

  • Easy integration, even into existing code
  • Flexible logs with automatic field creation
  • Logs immediately available as data.frame object, ndJSON and CSV file
  • Simple external logging (e.g., in containers) via ndJSON echo to stdout
  • Zero external dependencies

Additionally, the boilerplate to get going with loggit2 is minimal at worst.


loggit2 provides, among other functions, a set of wrappings for base R’s message(), warning(), stop() and stopifnot() functions that maintain identical functionality, except the additional logging. Thus, it is sufficient to import the loggit2 namespace, for example by using library("loggit2"), or by prefixing loggit2:: at the desired locations.

base::message("This is another message")
#> This is another message
loggit2::message("This is a message")
#> {"timestamp": "2024-05-26T16:39:20+0200", "log_lvl": "INFO", "log_msg": "This is a message\n"}
#> This is a message

base::warning("This is another warning")
#> Warning: This is another warning
loggit2::warning("This is a warning")
#> {"timestamp": "2024-05-26T16:39:20+0200", "log_lvl": "WARN", "log_msg": "This is a warning"}
#> Warning: This is a warning

base::stop("This is another error")
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): This is another error
loggit2::stop("This is an error")
#> {"timestamp": "2024-05-26T16:39:20+0200", "log_lvl": "ERROR", "log_msg": "This is an error"}
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): This is an error

base::stopifnot("This is another condition" = FALSE)
#> Error: This is another condition
loggit2::stopifnot("This is another condition" = FALSE)
#> {"timestamp": "2024-05-26T16:39:20+0200", "log_lvl": "ERROR", "log_msg": "This is another condition"}
#> Error: This is another condition

You can suppress the additional console output by using echo = FALSE and you won’t notice any difference to the base functions (except that the log will be filled in the background).

You can also directly use the logging function loggit() to compose much more custom logs, e.g. to include custom fields or to prevent throwing actual conditions.

loggit2::loggit("ERROR", "This will log an error", anything_else = "you want to include")
#> {"timestamp": "2024-05-26T16:39:20+0200", "log_lvl": "ERROR", "log_msg": "This will log an error", "anything_else": "you want to include"}

# Read log file into data frame to implement logic based on entries
#>                  timestamp log_lvl                   log_msg       anything_else
#> 1 2024-05-26T16:39:20+0200    INFO       This is a message\n                <NA>
#> 2 2024-05-26T16:39:20+0200    WARN         This is a warning                <NA>
#> 3 2024-05-26T16:39:20+0200   ERROR          This is an error                <NA>
#> 4 2024-05-26T16:39:20+0200   ERROR This is another condition                <NA>
#> 5 2024-05-26T16:39:20+0200   ERROR    This will log an error you want to include

No further configurations are necessary for this: just throw nearly whatever you want at it, and it’ll become a structured log.

Check out the vignettes for more details and features.


You can install the latest CRAN release of loggit2 via


or, get the latest development version from GitHub via



This package is based on the “loggit” package by Ryan Price, specifically version 2.1.1.