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This function is identical to base R's stopifnot, but it includes logging of the exception message via loggit().


stopifnot(..., exprs, exprObject, local, .loggit = NA, echo = get_echo())


..., exprs

any number of R expressions, which should each evaluate to (a logical vector of all) TRUE. Use either ... or exprs, the latter typically an unevaluated expression of the form


Note that e.g., positive numbers are not TRUE, even when they are coerced to TRUE, e.g., inside if(.) or in arithmetic computations in R. If names are provided to ..., they will be used in lieu of the default error message.


alternative to exprs or ...: an ‘expression-like’ object, typically an expression, but also a call, a name, or atomic constant such as TRUE.


(only when exprs is used:) indicates the environment in which the expressions should be evaluated; by default the one from where stopifnot() has been called.


Should the condition message be added to the log? If NA the log level set by set_log_level() is used to determine if the condition should be logged.


Should the log entry (json) be echoed to stdout as well?

See also

Other handlers: message(), stop(), warning()


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
 stopifnot("This is a completely false condition" = FALSE)

 stopifnot(5L == 5L, "This is a completely false condition" = FALSE, echo = FALSE)
} # }